What Is A Nonbinary Lesbian: All You Need To Know

Nowadays, you might come across terms related to gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation. As we all know, there are terms to describe people interested in dating the same gender, be it love or sex. What’s more, there are people among them who don’t want to be identified as male or female, 2 general genders accepted by the majority. Instead, they would like to be referred to as they.
Simply put, gender expression and identity get more elaborate, and there’s a need to be aware and more educated. This is important to create an inclusive environment so that no one gets discriminated against or hated. That’s why I consider it essential that every person should get more informed about existing concepts, and it’s time to talk about non-binary lesbians.
But who’s a non-binary lesbian? It’s a lesbian who doesn’t want to identify as female or male, and of course, there are lots of things to consider when you think of people with non-binary identities. The word non-binary simply means not either of 2. So, you can’t categorize these people into 2 gender categories, such as male or female.

Defining a non-binary lesbian
Nowadays, the idea that a person’s gender identity aligns with the sex assigned to them at birth isn’t the same as it was many decades ago. Much has changed, leading to gender diversity and going beyond binary gender classification. While exploring the world and concepts of the rising LGBTQ community, you’ll come across the term non-binary.
Let’s take a lesbian, and when defining them, it’s important to highlight that lesbians are known for their romantic or sexual attraction to other women. However, there are gender non-conforming lesbians who are not okay with their inherent identities. So, a lesbian or queer person has the right to explore what they feel really represents them.
These lesbians are non-binary, as they don’t want to be expressed as men or women. Nowadays, in the lesbian community, there’s a growing number of non-binary lesbians. Such people are simply struggling with their gender presentation, as they don’t conform to the expectations, stereotypes, or sex that they were assigned at birth.
About various genders
It’s clear that there’s more than one gender, even more than 2. Yes, that can be confusing, as most of us have been convinced that there are only 2 genders. But things are a bit different, and it’s time to explore more genders. Have a look at the following to get more aware of these genders:
- Agender. Well, the prefix of this word indicates the absence of any specific gender. Such people are also called gender-neutral, and although an agender person might not want to be identified or categorized based on their gender given at birth, an individual’s sexual orientation can vary.
- Bigender. Well, while non-binary lesbians reject to be identified as male or female, or they might not be sure about their gender identity, bigender people have 2 distinct gender identities, be they alternatively or simultaneously.
- Gender fluid. Non-binary lesbians can be in the category of gender fluid. This indicates that this person moves between several gender identities, which is something flexible. If you look at lesbian history and its development, cases of gender fluidity are not rare at all.
Well, there are even more terms that you can come across, as gender identity is and will always be something complicated and developing at the same time. But now, let’s have a look at some myths about non-binary lesbians.
Myths about being a non-binary lesbian
Did you know that non-binary lesbians don’t get the same treatment as lesbians who are congruent with their genders assigned at birth? People are not always open-minded, especially when it comes to new developments. Let’s consider some myths about non-binary lesbians to understand more about them.
There are only genders like male and female
This is something socially constructed, and it happens that we find ourselves in a world where we are dictated to what’s right or wrong. And one of the things we’ve been dictated is that there are only 2 genders, but it’s not true. Well, we all should accept that gender can exist beyond the definitions of male and female. Gender diversity is growing bigger, so there is no need to limit yourself to binary concepts.
Lesbians are females
If you’re a lesbian, you don’t have to consider yourself female. The sexual attraction of a woman to another woman is believed to be a definition of a lesbian. But let’s not forget that your sexual orientation isn’t and shouldn’t be a factor defining your gender identity.
Thus, non-binary lesbians describe themselves as masculine or fluid. Things can get even more interesting. Did you know if a person whose gender assigned at birth is male identifies as gender fluid and is sexually attracted to females, that person is considered a non-binary lesbian?
Non-binary people don’t relate to different genders
Well, a non-binary person doesn’t necessarily reject the idea of being congruent with the gender assigned at birth. They can simply shift and vary their genders alternatively. They’re simply gender non-conforming people interested in exploring what they feel best represents them. They’re free to express their gender identities and even change them.
They’re mentally ill
Well, that’s not the case, but I’d like to highlight the fact that it was once considered to be a mental deviation when people were interested in homosexual bonds. But now things are different, and we’re more tolerant than ever before. So, non-binary people, be they lesbians or gays, are normal people. No need for prejudice.
Final thoughts
There are people who are comfortable with their genders assigned at birth, and it can be challenging for them to understand non-binary people and the challenges they face. However, the world is changing, and the same can be said about people and their mentality. There should be more space for people’s freedom to express what best describes them.